Monday, June 9, 2008

Bye Bye Daddy!

We got Naithan off to his two week anual trainig, so the kids have been pretty clingy. Yesterday at church they were fighting over my lap. Bradley has slept in my bed for the last two nights. I move him and he just keeps coming back. I am thinking about locking him out. He says he keeps seeing eyes that are not Brandon and Jamie's. The night before last Jamie was in my bed also. She was not last night because Bradley kicks her and she does not like it.

Brandon is due for shots and a check up, but he has been so boogery I have been waiting. I think it may be allergies though. He is getting bigger and bigger every day.
Jamie keeps me on my toes, she is busy busy.
Bradley says he is ready for school, because he nows his phone number and can write his name. I told him he needs to know a lot more than that, but at least that is a good start.