Well we had a busy and hectic, but very fun summer! It started out with Naithan leaving for two weeks for his annual training in June. Then the day after he got back we took off for Illinois. We got to stop in Colorado, and spend a little time with my uncle and his family. The kids wanted to stay longer, but we had no time to. It was on the road again.

Traveling went well and we arrived at Naithan's parent's house. We went to Naithan's little sister's baseball game right after we got there. Jamie fell of the back of the bleachers onto her head. Than after we got back to McKinney's Bradley was swinging a baseball bat and nailed Jamie right in the mouth. He chipped her front tooth. At that point I was wondering why we had left home. Naithan had his ten year class reunion that weekend. It was good. He got to talk with some of his old classmates.

Than on the 30th of June Naithan, Brandon four of Naithan's sisters and I went to a St Louis Cardinals game. It was my first time ever going to a professional baseball game, and it was a blast.

Than the next day we left Illinois for Michigan. In Michigan we visited my sister and her family. My kids had an extremely good time playing with their cousins. We went to the Henry Ford Museum before Naithan flew home to work. He enjoyed spending time with the kids looking at cars and trains. We had fun going to many different parties while visiting my sister.

We spent the Forth of July watching a huge firework display at lake Erie. I also went with my sisters family to Northern Michigan, where the kids and I played on a beach lake Huron. The day I was getting ready to leave I got Sciatica. I could not move, I could barley get up to go to the bathroom. I could not see how I was going to load and drive back to Illinois with just me and the kids, so Naithan took off on family emergency leave and flew into Michigan to help me drive. The kids were sad to leave their cousins in Michigan.
After we were back in Illinois we got ready for Nathan's little sister Sarah's wedding in Nauvoo, IL. The first night in Nauvoo was a lot of fun. We took the kids to see the pageant. They have a bunch of activities for the kids to do before. The kids had a potato sack race. They played tug of war. They also got to use a two man saw to saw a log. The next day Naithan and I went to a endowment session. That was so neat. I had never seen the inside of the nauvoo temple. It is so beautiful. The kids played in the pioneer village while we were at the Temple. After that we took the kids to some of the different places. We took them to the Gun Smith Shop and the Black Smith Shop. At the black Smith Shop Jamie's birthday was the closest, so she got the horeshoe. Sarah's wedding and reception were the next day, and we left right after the reception to go back to Southern Illinois. Naithan's little sister Leslie was baptised after church(the day after Sarah's wedding).
Off we went, home again. On the way home we stopped in Colorado again to let the kids play. We had a blast but it was so nice to be home.