This Summer Jamie had a lot of fun, but she also had some ruff days!
Jamie Riding the kid swings at the Eastern Idaho State Fair

Jamie on the beep beep cars(boy were they loud)

Our cowgirl on the tractor at the fair

She only has on one boot because I cut open her toe
opening a door a few days earlier
Jamie practicing roping

Riding the McKee's barrel train

Jamie's arm after the cast

She would not move her arm after they took her cast off,
and it was so stiff it was hurting her.

Jamie did not like them taking the cast off.

Jamie at the park on her birthday

Jamie's birthday cake at the zoo!

Since Jamie could not go swimming
she decided she wanted to go to the zoo for her birthday
Jamie turned 4 and she wanted to put on the candles her self.

Jamie splashing in the water.

It rained so much this spring we had puddles everywhere.
Jamie showing us her new red cast

Her arm right after she broke it

Watching the 4
th of July fireworks.