Thursday, September 25, 2008

Well, I am not sure where my September went. It has been a while since I last made a post. Sorry about that, but life is super busy. Bradley loves school. He always comes home so excited. Days getting shorter is making it harder to wake him up though. He loves to learn as long as Mom is not teaching him. I do his PE once a week. He enjoys that because he gets to be active. It was almost painful at first for him to hold still. He is just your typical busy boy. Jamie is a joy. I thought she would be jealous of her brother. She is not though. Brandon takes a nap and she and I get plenty of 1 on 1 time. She is getting so big. She loves to talk the ears off of anyone who will listen to her. Brandon is trying so hard to crawl. He does push up a lot. The other night he got himself up to sitting position all by himself. Nothing is safe on the floor. He scooches every where and is getting pretty quick. He is such a sweet baby. He rarely cries. I love being a mommy! I love to spend every moment with my family. I am very blessed. Naithan works so hard to provide for us. He tries so hard so I do not have to work outside of the home. He is so amazing, and I am very lucky to have him.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I just thought I would say I love being a Mommy!

Bradley's First Day Of School!

I had the great experience of sending my oldest child, Bradley to school this year. He has been asking to go for two years now. He was so excited for school to start. His first day was the 20th of August. His little sister gets up with him every morning to wave good bye, and she watches for him to come home when it is time. He loves school, which I am very glad for. It makes it easier to get him up at 6:30 in the morning. His bus comes at 7:30 so we must wake him early so he has time to eat. It takes him 30 minutes to eat his breakfast. As many people have asked, No I did not cry. I was so excited for him. Here are a few of the pictures I took the morning and afternoon of his first day.

Bradley and Jamie watching for the bus.

Bradley & his cousin's waiting for the bus to pull up.

Bradley coming of the bus after his first day!

The view the morning we were waiting for the bus!