Wow. I can not believe it has been so long since I last posted. Sorry about that, life has been so busy. We had a great Thanksgiving.
We got to go Christmas Tree hunting. My kids love to go pick out and cut down their own tree. We have a tree, now we just need to decorate it.
Earlier in the month Naithan had the Fireman's Ball. He loves to perform. He is learning how to play the bag pipes and they are the ones who do the ball. I did not get to go this year because I was in Colorado Springs. I had a Mary Kay retreat. I had so much fun hanging out with the girls.
Well lets see if I can update everyone on the kids. Well baby Brandon is not so baby anymore. He is a crawling machine. He is into everything. He loves to climb and perch on things. He is a mover and a shaker. At church he directs the music while singing and dancing. He is learning how to wave. He says Momma, Dada, Bampa, Baba and lots of other things we can not understand. He finally cut a tooth this last week and is working real hard on his second one. He is still a happy little thing. Jamie still dances all the time. she dresses up in her dress up and dances. She also likes to play house. She is getting so big. She tales me all the time that she is almost big enough to get married in the Temple, and that she is getting bigger everyday. She loves to watch the sun set and to look at the Temple. She is so excited to go to Primary in January. Bradley is doing real well in school. If I could just get him to hold still and focus for a few minutes, my sanity might be spared a little. Better to have active kids than lazy slugs though. He has had so much fun going over to friends houses to play. He thinks he is so big, and talks about getting baptised in about 2.5 years. He is also excited to be 8 so he can be a cub scout. Bradley has started listening to me read chapter books before bed, and he loves them.
Sounds like you guys are having fun! Good to see an update!!
great pictures. mom woodward
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