During potato harvest we were able to go to the cabin for four days. We had so much fun. It was snowing, so we did not go through Yellowstone National Park. We are going to go in the spring when the animals are having there babies. We did to get to see a moose and her baby right in the yard of the cabin. The kids played and played even though it was cold outside. They love going to the cabin. We tried to take family pictures while we were there. We wanted to take them outside, but it got so cold that we had to go back inside. Brandon lost his spoon under the stool, so he climbed through it. We did not pose him in the picture. He did it all by himself. He loves to climb and he has started to crawl for real instead of inchworming it. He pulls himself to standing and walks along furniture. He also lets go and only holds on with one hand.

He loves to smile and be happy.
Bradley had his primary program last Sunday. He held real still the entire time. Which is good for my active boy. He loves to speak at church, so he had no problems saying his part. He had it memorized the day they sent it home with him. His part was "I can do family history work for my ancestors so that they can receive Temple blessings." Bradley is so much fun. He has more energy that anyone could imagine.
Jamie loves to play house. She is always pretending to cook me something. She loves to dress up all pretty and to have her hair and makeup done. She is all sugar and spice. Spice because she is such a tease. She loves to tease her brothers. Her thing right now is to call her big brother a pumpker head. She likes to say pumpker instead of pumpkin. Her laugh is so contagious.
It would have been fun to go up to the cabin. I love the out-doors. momwoodward
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