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Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Jessie at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Picture Tag
I Tag Heather Gavin. Post your fourth picture from your fourth folder.
Posted by Jessie at 9:02 AM 1 comments
Happy Holidays
Posted by Jessie at 8:12 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by Jessie at 7:07 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by Jessie at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy Harvest Everyone!
Posted by Jessie at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Posted by Jessie at 9:04 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Bradley's First Day Of School!
I had the great experience of sending my oldest child, Bradley to school this year. He has been asking to go for two years now. He was so excited for school to start. His first day was the 20th of August. His little sister gets up with him every morning to wave good bye, and she watches for him to come home when it is time. He loves school, which I am very glad for. It makes it easier to get him up at 6:30 in the morning. His bus comes at 7:30 so we must wake him early so he has time to eat. It takes him 30 minutes to eat his breakfast. As many people have asked, No I did not cry. I was so excited for him. Here are a few of the pictures I took the morning and afternoon of his first day.
Bradley and Jamie watching for the bus.
Bradley & his cousin's waiting for the bus to pull up.
Bradley coming of the bus after his first day!
The view the morning we were waiting for the bus!
Posted by Jessie at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Last Little Strech Before School
After we returned from our trip we tried to get as much done as we could before Bradley started school. We went to my Grandpa Walker's cabin. It was so peaceful. The cabin sits right off of Henry's Lake in Island Park. The kids always have so much fun when we go. We are so blessed to live in this beautiful country.We also had a birthday party for Jamie. My little girl is three now. I can not believe how fast my little family is growing! Jamie wanted to go swimming for her birthday So we had a party at a Green Canyon Hot Springs which our family absolutely loves to go to. We did it a little late since her birthday was actually while we were traveling home.
The day before school we took all three kids to get their shots. Bradley and Brandon had to get four each. Jamie was so proud of herself, because she only needed one. Brandon did not cry he just put out his bottom lip and let out a whimper. I think it made the nurse feel worse than if he would have just cried.
Posted by Jessie at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Summer Fun!
Well we had a busy and hectic, but very fun summer! It started out with Naithan leaving for two weeks for his annual training in June. Then the day after he got back we took off for Illinois. We got to stop in Colorado, and spend a little time with my uncle and his family. The kids wanted to stay longer, but we had no time to. It was on the road again.
After we were back in Illinois we got ready for Nathan's little sister Sarah's wedding in Nauvoo, IL. The first night in Nauvoo was a lot of fun. We took the kids to see the pageant. They have a bunch of activities for the kids to do before. The kids had a potato sack race. They played tug of war. They also got to use a two man saw to saw a log. The next day Naithan and I went to a endowment session. That was so neat. I had never seen the inside of the nauvoo temple. It is so beautiful. The kids played in the pioneer village while we were at the Temple. After that we took the kids to some of the different places. We took them to the Gun Smith Shop and the Black Smith Shop. At the black Smith Shop Jamie's birthday was the closest, so she got the horeshoe. Sarah's wedding and reception were the next day, and we left right after the reception to go back to Southern Illinois. Naithan's little sister Leslie was baptised after church(the day after Sarah's wedding).
Off we went, home again. On the way home we stopped in Colorado again to let the kids play. We had a blast but it was so nice to be home.
Posted by Jessie at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Bye Bye Daddy!
We got Naithan off to his two week anual trainig, so the kids have been pretty clingy. Yesterday at church they were fighting over my lap. Bradley has slept in my bed for the last two nights. I move him and he just keeps coming back. I am thinking about locking him out. He says he keeps seeing eyes that are not Brandon and Jamie's. The night before last Jamie was in my bed also. She was not last night because Bradley kicks her and she does not like it.
Brandon is due for shots and a check up, but he has been so boogery I have been waiting. I think it may be allergies though. He is getting bigger and bigger every day.
Jamie keeps me on my toes, she is busy busy.
Bradley says he is ready for school, because he nows his phone number and can write his name. I told him he needs to know a lot more than that, but at least that is a good start.
Posted by Jessie at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Well, we have decided to join the blogging world. We decided it would be easy for us to let everyone know what is going on in our lives.
To start out our blog we had a wonderful weekend. It was cold and rainy, but that never stops us from having fun. After church Sunday we went up to my Grandfather's cabin on Henry's Lake. It was great as usual. The kids had fun playing outside.
We also had the opportunity of celebrating Bradley's 5th birthday this month. He was so excited to register for kindergarten. He is getting so big.
Jamie can't wait for her birthday to come, but she has to wait till July. She loves to sing. Every time we drive past the Temple she has to sing, "I Love to See the Temple." She has a giggle that makes everyone else around her smile and laugh.
Brandon is getting big fast. He sleeps real well at night. He loves to smile and coo for his big brother and sister. He wakes up happy in the morning and we are enjoying every moment.
Naithan loves his job and is staying real busy. I love being a mommy, and I am enjoying helping women feel good about them selves as a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.
Posted by Jessie at 7:26 PM 4 comments